


Armitage   is open source software and  fantastic GUI front-end for the Metasploit Framework developed by Raphael Mudge with the goal of helping security professionals better understand hacking and to help them realize the power of Metasploit.


Armitage organizes Metasploit’s capabilities around the hacking process. There are features for discovery, access, post-exploitation, and maneuver.


It’s a scriptable red team collaboration tool for Metasploit that visualizes targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced post-exploitation features in the framework.




Through one Metasploit instance, your will do below things:


  • Use the same sessions
  • Share hosts, captured data, and downloaded files
  • Communicate through a shared event log.

Run bots to automate red team tasks.




By default Armitage is not distributed with Kali Linux. It is in the Kali Linux repository though.




Installing Armitage:


#apt-get install armitage



Screenshot from 2014-03-18 19:26:51



Before you start Armitage, make sure the postgresql database is running:


#service postgresql start



If you get a missing database.yml error, type:


#service metasploit start


Armitage does not use the Metasploit service, but starting it once will setup a database.yml file for your system.



Now start using Armitage like metasploit instead of in easy graphical user interface






Connect dialogue box will appear.


Screenshot from 2014-03-18 19:42:26


Click connect button and If this is the first time  a Ruby scripts will load… slowly.



The GUI fills the entire screen.


Screenshot from 2014-03-18 19:43:51



Try NMAP Scan of your Network

HOSTS > NMAP Scan > Intense



Enter  network range eg   for your home network


Screenshot from 2014-03-18 19:44:39


Leave it for 5 minutes and NMAP will report all hosts on your home network.



Armitage will display hosts found


Screenshot from 2014-03-18 19:45:03



That’s it play and penetrate with Armitage in Kali Linux.